Woodstown-Pilesgrove Library
14 School Lane Woodstown, NJ 08098
(856) 769-0098 woodstownlibrary@gmail.com
Interlibrary Loan @ Jersey Cat
If you cannot find the book you are looking for at the Woodstown-Pilesgrove Library, patrons may order it through interlibrary loan.
Fill out the form below, including the exact title of the book and its author. In order for us to call you when your book or other item arrives, please include your current phone number. We have found that the phone numbers of our patrons sometimes change, as more move away from land lines.
You may also use this form to place a hold on an item at our library. The librarian will add a pop-up to the item requested and our desk volunteers are instructed to call the patron when the item is returned. Please be sure to add a current phone number in the message box.
Check at the Circulation Desk to pick up the book(s) you have ordered. A valid Woodstown-Pilesgrove Library card is required to check out books from interlibrary loan.​
*Librarian's tip* If you are not certain of the exact title or author of the book you want, Amazon is a good place to search for that information.